On February 1st, Worshiplude 2025 will be happening at Southminster United Church in Ottawa. Worshiplude is a winter worship and fellowship event for youth and young adults (ages 10+).
We invite you to join us at Emmanuel on Saturday, February 1st at 1:00pm for an outdoor skate on a nearby rink followed by Worshiplude at Southminster. We will have transportation as well as winter skates for those who need to borrow some. Please let Amelia know your size if you need a pair of skates.
We will be leaving Emmanuel to drive to Southminster United Church at about 4:00pm and are expected to return back to Emmanuel by 10:00pm. Snacks and dinner will be provided. Below are links to the registration form and the ride permission form; please complete them and return them to myself (Amelia Brohman) or Val Lines.