Actively serving the Ottawa community for 60+ years

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100th Anniversary Service Survey

On Sunday, June 15th, the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Region of the United Church will hold a special celebration at the EY Centre (near the airport).  All of us are invited […]

Egg Cartons Required

The Heron Emergency Food Centre needs LOTS OF EGG CARTONS! Please bring in your empty egg cartons (sizes of 6 or 12 only) and place them in the Food Bank […]

Support our Youth in their Habitat Build!

Led by Amelia Brohman and Val Lines, our youth will be working on a Habitat for Humanity build in Baltimore, Ontario, a village just north of Cobourg, from Thursday, August […]

Meet our new VAM (Voluntary Associate Minister)

Reverend Georgina Fitzgerald hails from Sydney, Nova Scotia and is a proud Cape Bretoner and former highland dancer. She has a BA from Dalhousie,  M. Div. from Emmanuel College in […]