Actively serving the Ottawa community for 60+ years

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Music is a central strength of Emmanuel United Church. Our Music Ministry offers a rich variety of musical elements weekly that serve to enhance, inspire, energize, uplift and engage whilst reinforcing the theme of the service.



Senior Choir

The Senior Choir is a 22-35 member SATB choir consisting of dedicated people who meet in the Sanctuary weekly on Thursday evenings (7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.) between September and May each year. The Senior Choir sings weekly until the end of June and takes the summer months of July/August off. This group enjoys community and gathers not just to enhance and support our Sunday services but there are opportunities for the choir to have fun at Hymn and Carol Sings and fundraising evenings in support of youth trips to Habitat builds and to camp in Zambia. New members are always welcome; an ability to read music is an asset. For more information, please contact the church office.


The Emmanubells are a mixed-aged group who play four and a half octaves (plus an F3 and a C3) of Malmark handbells and five octaves of Malmark choir chimes. They rehearse Thursday evenings between 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and play in church approximately every four weeks. The Emmanubells participate in the biennial festival of the Ontario Guild of English Handbell Ringers and occasionally perform in the community. They are also available for weddings or special events. Please contact the Director for rates. New members are welcome; an ability to read music is required. For more information, contact the Director, Ann Frederking (


JAM is for young people in high school, post-secondary schools and beyond at Emmanuel. This group provides an opportunity to explore Christian contemporary music and secular music with a spiritual message. The music has been used to contribute to Fall and Spring Youth Worship Services as well as seasonal services at Christmas and Easter. An interest in singing and/or playing an instrument is all that is necessary for membership in JAM. All skill levels are welcome. This is your opportunity to spotlight your talents with the group or to simply perform as a member of the group.  If you are interested in joining JAM, please contact the Director, Jim Lamb