Join us this Sunday at 10:00am
(or for any live-streamed service).

We begin our worship service at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Everyone will receive a warm welcome in our beautiful sacred space. Please come right in and have a seat. We are happy that you are joining us!
At the main doors, an usher will greet you at the door, answer your questions and offer you a bulletin (hymns, prayers, readings, title of the sermon and announcements). Large print bulletins and a hearing amplifiers are also available.
Members of the congregation co-lead in the service with our minister in prayers and Bible readings.
Prayer happens throughout the Sunday morning worship service. There is an opening prayer, a repeat-after me prayer following the children’s story, an offertory prayer, prayers of the people and the Lord’s Prayer following the sermon, and a closing prayer. Prayer requests may be made directly to the minister in person, in writing or by email at Prayer requests are treated with confidentiality by the ministerial team. If you wish your prayer request to be included in the spoken prayers during the service, please indicate so in your message.
Our worship is enriched by a diverse Music Ministry that includes a Senior Choir, Handbell Choir (Emmanubells), Youth Band (JAM), Pipe Organ, Grand Piano, Electric Piano, Percussion, Guitars, Djembe, Solo Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello), Trumpet, Flute and a variety of vocal soloists throughout the church year. The EUC Music Ministry welcomes new members!
We have Youth Services once or twice a year that we believe are reflective of our teens’ vision of the gospels.
We are a church where you can deepen and expand your spiritual life by seeking your own answers to questions about spirituality and religion.
The service usually lasts about an hour. At the end of the service we are all invited to gather for coffee, tea and juice upstairs in the CE (Christian Education) hall.
Past services can be found on the RESOURCES page under the Service Archives button!