Men’s Breakfast
Perkins Restaurant 1130 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaThe Men’s Club breakfast will be this Saturday, March 8th at Perkins’ Restaurant, 815 St Laurent Blvd., at 8:15am.
The Men’s Club breakfast will be this Saturday, March 8th at Perkins’ Restaurant, 815 St Laurent Blvd., at 8:15am.
During this season of Lent, there will be a 30 minute Lenten service every Wednesday evening at 7pm on Zoom. Join us for the next five weeks as we reflect […]
Join our Neighbourhood Bible Study during the month of March. The group meets on Thursday mornings at 11 am. The topics will be the lectionary reading for the following Sunday. […]
The Southeast Ottawa Cluster is collectively putting on this Lunch and Learn Series on the Song of Faith. A Song of Faith, adopted in 2006, seeks to provide a verbal […]
During this season of Lent, there will be a 30 minute Lenten service every Wednesday evening at 7pm on Zoom. Join us for the next five weeks as we reflect […]
Join our Neighbourhood Bible Study during the month of March. The group meets on Thursday mornings at 11 am. The topics will be the lectionary reading for the following Sunday. […]
We will be having a food bank collection for Rideau Rockcliffe Food Bank on Monday, March 24th from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm. You may also drop off your donations […]
During this season of Lent, there will be a 30 minute Lenten service every Wednesday evening at 7pm on Zoom. Join us for the next five weeks as we reflect […]
Join our Neighbourhood Bible Study during the month of March. The group meets on Thursday mornings at 11 am. The topics will be the lectionary reading for the following Sunday. […]
The youth are holding a bake sale on Sunday, March 30th following the service to raise funds for the Healing Fund for people who have been affected by Residential Schools. […]