Actively serving the Ottawa community for 60+ years

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Let’s Stay Together and Celebrate Black Excellence!

Join us after church on February 11th for a complimentary potluck lunch followed by your choice of activity. Options include: An afro-centric dance lesson A short film and trivia contest […]

Winter Weekend Away

Emmanuel is hosting a Family Day Winter Retreat where families will play games in the snow, make crafts, and worship together. Stay for the whole weekend  or just come for […]

$30 – $100

Mādahòkì Farm ~ Winterlude Activities: a Right Relations Learning Activity

Mādahòki Farm 4420 West Hunt Club Road, Nepean, Ontario, Canada

Emmanuel's Right Relations Group encourages you to check out the Mādahòkì Farm programming available at Winterlude locations around Ottawa on the first three weekends in February. This February, Mādahòkì Farm, […]

Lenten Prayer Study

Based on the book Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone by James Martin, S.J., different types of prayer, prayer traditions and approaches to prayer will be explored with opportunities […]

Friday Night at the Movies

Brian & Charles is a  charming, upbeat and quirky British film about a solitary inventor Brian who builds himself a robot named Charles. The two become close friends and allies […]

Lenten Prayer Study

Based on the book Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone by James Martin, S.J., different types of prayer, prayer traditions and approaches to prayer will be explored with opportunities […]

Seedy Saturday

Seedy Saturday Ottawa is a yearly seed sale with a focus on heritage, open-pollinated seed from local growers.  It also includes supportive sustainable, local businesses and groups related to local […]